Sunday, September 19, 2010

LIBRA is the Sagittarius constellation honored person,

LIBRA is the Sagittarius constellation honored person, villain is the Taurus constellation. fortune Scorpio Will you love marriage Palace show, this year, although not dramatic change, but love is very strong -Gong Wang. single scorpion, there will be many moncler opportunities to love, give your life in a different color. Some scorpion may also be pregnant before marriage. In these different experiences, you really want to better understand their own choice of what kind of object. Saturn in your th house, Saturn will tell you who your real friends. good friends to promote you, but not good friends can get you down with. So do not rush to make friends, need to observe carefully, the development of real friendship, it takes time. home Saturn left the Lions last year, on your health, it is a very significant turning point, moncler jackets will the mysterious disappearance of many diseases.
Many Scorpions will experience a magical healing process, your personal energy index, will rise up. This year, health poor transport period, from to Feb. , April to May and July to August . During this time, pay attention to good to relax and rest. Mars is your health star, regular exercise is very important to you. And you may know, the root causes of many diseases are related to mental relations, in the final analysis, moncler sale comes from our inner repressed anger. Scorpio constellation in the honored Scorpio is your own. your villain sign is Gemini. Sagittarius the good fortune of wealth and success indicators to see long, by the clever strategies and work your strength, to knock on doors of opportunity.

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