Thursday, October 14, 2010

Via mobile Internet devices to listen to music there are many other forms of music carrier can not provide the advantages

Via mobile Internet devices to listen to music there are many other forms of music carrier can not provide the advantages: first, in the past through television, MP3 , CD, listening to music is a one-way communication, and mobile Internet devices to listen to music can and singers, the other exchange's audiences; Secondly, the previous single source of music listening, but through the mobile Internet terminal can listen to the mass of music; Third, MTs, anytime, anywhere through mobile internet, autonomy and so on. payment methods more in line with Nianqing Ren features.However, in current music Gefang power sights on Christian Louboutin wireless growth prospects, the telecom operators with the development of the unique advantages of wireless music, first of all, the telecom operators have brand in the wireless music publicity and promotion on the basis of a large number of potential users, which can be launched from China Mobile wireless music club dependent on the momentum of rapid growth can be seen For telecom operators to extend the product line telecom operators to share the brand's premium level for the promotion of products reduces the difficulty; followed by telecom operators have a good billing access and ground channels, clarity of the way through to consumers Consumer complaints and customer feedback easier.

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